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GetWhys Compass

Tap into customer insights, without incremental costs or waiting for results.

High-performing teams use Compass to get immediate access to real customer perspectives.

Actionable answers to your most important questions

Hyper-specific, authentic market insights

  • What are my customers really saying about us?
  • What are my competitor’s pain points?
  • What are my buyer’s primary obstacles?
  • How will customers react to [this messaging]?
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Make content creation an efficient investment, every time

  • What do my prospects actually want to read about?
  • How do my personas feel about this angle?
  • What tensions can I write about in this market?
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Everything you need to know about the software you manage

  • What should I watch out for during this implementation?
  • How do I get these stakeholders bought in?
  • How much does [software] actually cost?
  • Help me build a business case for [software]
  • I’m negotiating with [vendor]. How much will they discount?
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Make customer insights a hassle-free part of your workflow

  • Benchmark my product’s capabilities against the competition.
  • What should I prioritize on our roadmap?
  • What feature gaps do prospects who choose the competition select?
  • What types of customers struggle most with our product?
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Know your customers better than they know themselves

  • What are my competitor’s pain points?
  • What nuances to this prospect’s technology stack should I understand?
  • How should I personalize this outbound messaging to convert?
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"Navigating the complex world of enterprise software contracting, pricing, and features can be daunting, but Compass helps us make the right software purchasing & management decisions, in a fraction of the time."
— Travis Roderick, Revenue Operations, Typeform

Make your next move with confidence

Coverage Score

Every Compass answer receives a coverage score, so you can know how much InsightDB data Compass derived the answer from.
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Compass Scale customers get access to Citations: direct quotes from anonymized interviewees, backing up each answer.
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Compass is powered by an enormous dataset

An illustrated icon of a bar chart, used to represent InsightDB.

InsightDB contains more than 30,000 unique software insights, and it’s growing every day.

An illustrated question mark that represents the GetWhys AnswerSLA

Every Compass customer gets an AnswerSLA. No cost, guaranteed insight in a short timeframe.

Compass Pricing

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Compass Pro Beta

$99/mo No annual contract
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  • 1 seat
    Unlimited insights
  • Unlimited insight requests
  • 2 week AnswerSLA
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Compass Scale

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  • Unlimited seats
    Unlimited insights
  • Unlimited insight requests
  • 1 week AnswerSLA
    AnswerSLA Quarantine
  • Citations
  • Slack integration